Even though we think we are aware of drink spiking, we are not. This is a growing problem and shows no signs of slowing down.

Monday 19 March 2007

Men are victims too.

Source: www.planetout.com/health

I just realised that I haven't posted much on men falling victims to drink spiking. Studies have shown that 20% of drink spiking victims are male.
I've read an article by Ben Townley titled UK Study: Drink spiking hits gay scene which is extremely relevant and eye-opening. This was posted in September of 2004 which means it is a little dated but informative nontheless.

"A new survey has found that as many as one in five gay men in England believe themselves to be the victim of drink spiking, with many subsequently suffering attacks as a result.

The study, conducted for the Channel 4 program "Dispatches," questioned women and gay men across the country for the first nationwide survey of drink spiking and drug rape.While it found that women are much more likely to become victims of the modern phenomenon, gay men are also at risk, the program discovered.

The new study found that London and Cardiff were the drink-spiking hot spots of the country, although this relates more to attacks on women.

This is not the first time that gay men have been warned of the problems of drink spiking and sexual attacks. Last year, Graham Rhodes of the Roofie Foundation, which offers help and counseling for victims of drink spiking, said that reports of spiking on gay men were increasing.
He said 10-15 percent of cases reported to the group were from men, with 750 cases reported in the preceding 12 months. This number could be much greater in reality, he warned, since many victims do not report the incident.
He said that in male cases, there was also a "much higher proportion of gang rape."

Additionally, Edinburgh police warned gay men last year that a gang was targeting those on the city's gay scene."

However, men do not have to be gay to become victims of drink spiking. As previously mentioned, peoples drinks are spiked for a number of reasons, and it doesn't have to for sexual gratification. Men can have their drinks spiked for robberies and violence.

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